Our Hot Lunch and special event forms are available through MyFamilyRoom, paper copy and details are shared in our regular newsletters.
Student Media Release Forms
An updated Student Media Release Form is available on the UCDSB website (click
Media Release & Photo Forms - Upper Canada District School Board (ucdsb.on.ca)
) parents/guardians/adult students to access and complete if they would like to update their preferences for the disclosure of personal information through various means of publication or school photos taken by a contracted school photo agency. Please contact the school office at 613-989-2600, if you would like to update your preferences.
If your child requires medication while at school, please complete the authorization form and bring it to the school with the medicine. Please see the guidelines that the form must be completed by a Medical Doctor for prescription medication.
For children with prevalent medical conditions - diabetes, asthma, anaphylaxis, epilepsy,
or other life threatening conditions, we work together with families to develop Plans of Care.
More information is available here: https://www.ucdsb.on.ca/for_families/parent_information___resources/supporting_students_medical_conditions